Articles in peer-reviewed journals
Amuchastegui, M., Birch, K., & Kaltenbrunner, W. (2023). The intersections between sociology and STS: A Big Data approach. Sociological Perspectives.
Amuchastegui, M. (2019). Women and Children Only: María Teresa Saleme and the Feminization of Dentistry in Argentina. Journal of the History of Dentistry, 67(3), 125–134. Available
Selected reviews
Amuchastegui, M. (2023) Review of Nationalizing Nature: Iguazu Falls and National Parks at the Brazil–Argentina Border, by Frederico Freitas. The British Journal for the History of Science. 56(4), 579-582.
Amuchastegui, M. (2023) Review of Les sciences et les techniques, laboratoire de l’Histoire, edited by Liliane Hilaire-Pérez and Catherine Lanoë. Tecnoscienza: Italian Journal of Science and Technology Studies. 14(1), 171-174.
Amuchastegui, M. (2022). Review of Logical Skills: Social-Historical Perspectives, edited by Julie Brumberg-Chaumont and Claude Rosental. Science and Technology Studies, 35(3), 92-94.
Selected conference papers
Amuchastegui, M. (2023, September). Theological Binary in Leibniz and Caramuel. Consonances I: Mathematics, Language, and the Moral Sense of Nature Conference, Maynooth University, Ireland.
Amuchastegui, M., Birch, K., & Kaltenbrunner, W. (2022, July 8). Commercial data analytics tools: Politico-economic, epistemic and ontological implications. EASST Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Amuchastegui, M. (2022, December). Provincializing Numeration: Caramuel and Indigenous Mathematical Knowledge. 2022 4S Conference, Cholula, Mexico.
Amuchastegui, M., Birch, K., & Kaltenbrunner, W. (2022, July 8). Commercial data analytics tools: Politico-economic, epistemic and ontological implications. EASST Conference, Madrid, Spain.
Amuchastegui, M. (2021, May 29). The Discovery of Binary Numeration: Leibniz, Caramuel, and the New World. CSHPS Annual Conference.
Amuchastegui, M. (2018, Sept 27). “María Teresa Saleme and Female Dentists of Argentina.” American Academy of the History of Dentistry. 67th Annual Meeting. Toronto.
Amuchastegui, M. (2018, Oct 13). “The ethics of crowdsourced knowledge: the case of online health reviews.” 2018 Liberal Arts & Sciences Interdisciplinary Conference. Humber College.